Markdown Example

X3 supports markdown, which basically allows you to write page content intuitively, without tedious html tags for basic formatting.


We recommend using markdown for basic content editing, because it is easy to read, faster to write and prevents html-coding mistakes which make break the page. You can use the markdown-syntax in the examples below, the toolbar or keyboard-shortcuts like cmd-b and ctrl-b.

New paragraphs should be separated by two blank lines. Styles italic, bold and ~~strikethrough~~ are easily added. Add links like flamepix by using syntax [text](url). Add a horizontal rule by including three hyphens:


Easily add links into your content by adding [link text] in brackets, immediately followed by the (url) in parenthesis. Optionally, you can surround a link address in angle-brackets <>, and it will automtically be formatted as a link. Examples:


Unordered lists can be started using the toolbar, or by typing *, - or +. Ordered lists can be started by typing 1..

  • Lists are piece of cake ...
  • They will auto-continue as you type ...
  • Double-enter will end a list

    • Tabs and shift-tabs works also ...
    • ... for nested lists


Embed images by adding the image [title] in brackets, immediately followed by the image (img url) in parenthesis. Tip! Use {{@path}} (without the @ char) to refer the path of the current page, for example ![title]({{@path}}/file.jpg).

Agent Smith


Add blockquotes by preceding text on a new line with the > tag.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eget sem et dui pulvinar aliquam. Etiam sit amet nulla erat. Mauris aliquam euismod tellus, ac varius velit tincidunt ut.